Belted Galloway
BabiesDams Sires

Grantham Farm
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Born: 26th December 1993
Sex: Female - Dun & White Belted
Dam: Cumbria Buttermere Queen 2nd
Sire: Glencarnie Twiggy
Tattoo: CB N5


What would you like to view, photo's, progeny, or full family tree.

***** Photo Gallery *****

1st February 2009

8th August 2008
13th May 2008

16th April 2008
Nellie with daughter Darla
Nellie Nellie
Nellie Nellie

25th March 2008
8th August 2007

10th May 2007
Nellie Nellie

8th March 2007
Nellie with daughter Cordy
Nellie Nellie

24th March 2006
Nellie with son Brock.
Nellie Nellie

11th February 2006
Nellie Nellie

4th January 2006

November 2005
Nellie is the start of Grantham Galloways, our first dam,
what a beauty a lovely dun and white Beltie.
This was the first day at her new home.
Nellie Nellie

***** Nellie's Kids *****

One of her daughters Cumbria Buttermere Duchess 7th owned by Pine Gully Park won the 2008 Royal Melbourne Show, Belted Galloway Supreme Exhibit and Senior Champion Female, congratulations Kerry & Richard :-)
Another one of her daughters, Cumbria Buttermere Duchess 9th (Dutchy) is part of our family at Grantham Galloways.

Nellie was purchased in Nov 2005 when she was nearly 12, we know of some of her children (above) but not all before the ones below. These are Nellie's babies she has had at Grantham Galloways.


Grantham Darla - 16th Apr 2008 - Female SilverDunBlt


Grantham Cordelia - 23rd Feb 2007- Female DunBlt


Grantham Brock - 22nd Mar 2006 - Male BlackBlt

***** 5 Generation Family Tree *****

Family Tree Nellie's Family Tree

The Links above will take you to the Australian Galloway Association Animal Search facility.