Belted Galloway
BabiesDams Sires

Grantham Farm
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Born: 16th April 2008
Sex: Female
Colour: Silver Dun & White Belted
Dam: Cumbria Buttermere Princess 3rd (Nellie)
Sire: Pine Gully Park Alto
Tattoo: GBG D02


What would you like to view photo's or family tree.

***** Photo Gallery *****

1st February 2009 (9 months)
Darla Darla

9th August 2008 (4 months)
Darla Darla
Darla Darla
Darla Darla
Darla Darla

13th May 2008 (nearly a month old)
Darla Darla
Darla Darla

19th April 2008 (4 days old)
Darla Darla
Darla Darla

16th April 2008 (1 day old)
Darla Darla
Darla Darla
Darla Darla


***** 5 Generation Family Tree *****

Family Tree Darla's Family Tree

The Links above will take you to the Australian Galloway Association Animal Search facility.