Belted Galloway
BabiesDams Sires

Grantham Farm
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Born: 13th May 2008
Sex: Female
Colour: Black & White Belted
Dam: Budawang Xeven (Evy)
Sire: Pine Gully Park Alto
Tattoo: GBG D03


What would you like to view photo's or family tree.

***** Photo Gallery *****

1st February 2009 (8 months)
Delight Delight

9th August 2008 (3 months)
Delight Delight
Delight Delight
Delight Delight
Delight Delight

25th May 2008 (12 days old)
Delight Delight

15th May 2008 (3 days old)
Delight Delight

13th May 2008 (1 day old)
Delight Delight


***** 5 Generation Family Tree *****

Family Tree Delight's Family Tree

The Links above will take you to the Australian Galloway Association Animal Search facility.