Belted Galloway

Grantham Farm
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Born: 7th May 2007
Sex: Male
Colour: Red & White Belted
Dam: Budawang Xeven (Evy)
Sire: Wilkamdai Zikomo
Tattoo: GBG C02


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***** Photo Gallery *****

2nd February 2008 (9 months)
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie
Height 107.5cm ... Weight 322kg ... Scrotum size 31cm

4th August 2007 (3 months)
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie

18th May 2007 (A couple of weeks)
Charlie Charlie
Charlie Charlie

***** 5 Generation Family Tree *****

Family Tree Charlie's Family Tree

To view Charlie's family tree, you will need a PDF reader, if you don't have one you can download a free reader at Adobe.