Belted Galloway
BabiesDams Sires

Grantham Farm
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Born: 26th May 2008
Sex: Female
Colour: Black & White Belted
Dam: Golden Vale Alysa
Sire: Golden Vale Barney
Tattoo: GVG D3


What would you like to view photo's or family tree.

***** Photo Gallery *****

24th October 2009 (17 months)
Debbee Debbee

17th October 2009
(17 months)
18th October 2009
(17 months)

13th September 2009 (16 months)
Height: 111.0cm (min)

Debbee Debbee

19th April 2009 (11 months)
Gorgeous little Debbee was puchased from Golden Vale Belties and made the trip to the Southern Highlands.

29th March 2009 (10 months)
Weight: 270 KG ~Height: 99.5cm

20th March 2009 (10 months)
Debbee Debbee

17th February 2009 (9 months)
Debbee Debbee

14th January 2009 (8 months)
Debbee Debbee

16th November 2008 (6 months old)
Debbee Debbee

28th May 2008
(2 days old)
1st June 2008
(5 days old)

26th May 2008 (1 day old)
Debbee Debbee
Debbee Debbee


***** 5 Generation Family Tree *****

Family Tree Debbee's Family Tree

The Links above will take you to the Australian Galloway Association Animal Search facility.